ISO-1064CE - 64 channel system. |
ISO-1064CE -64 channel System specifications.
Basic requirements.
This is a specification of all parts for a complete system with one ISO-1064CE Amplifier.
Qty | Code |
Name |
note |
1 |
ISO-1064CE | ISO-1064CE Amplifier | 64 channel EEG-amplifier |
1 |
Interface connection cable | type ISO/CABLE-05 | |
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Set of EEG electrodes | depends on customer requirements. | |
1 |
PC Interface circuit | not supplied by Braintronics | |
1 |
PC with peripherals | not supplied by Braintronics | |
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Software Package | not supplied by Braintronics |
Options for ISO-1032 system:
Qty |
Code |
Name |
note |
1 |
CONTROL-1164 | CONTROL-1164 unit | To control the ISO-1064CE without PC equipment. |